Kelly Marie Walters was born on September 10, 1989, the 3rd child of Paula and Charles Walters. She attended St. Paul Academy and Wellesley College. She is currently in her residency in San Francisco to become a pediatrician, following in the footsteps of her mother Paula.

Baby Kelly

Footage of Kelly as a baby circa 1989, with babysitter Michelle and her son Joshua who played with Kelly a lot as a baby.


Kelly as Baby 2

Kelly and Joshua and CCW feeding Kelly


Learning to Walk

Kelly learning to take her first steps.


Kelly Hula Dancing

Kelly hula dances with her Grandma and Grandpa Kelly. Parts 1 and 2



Kelly as “the Wall” in a school production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”


Swimming Lessons

Kelly getting swimming tips from her coach.


Caitlin Anne Walters


Savannah Berry Walters